Adams Wylie Physio Rehab Centre

eCommerce Store:

The products showcased/listed on the website are not manufactured by Adams Wylie Memorial Hospital ( You acknowledge and undertake that you are accessing the services on the website and transacting at your own risk and are using your best and prudent judgment before entering into any transactions through the website You acknowledge and agree to the following:

(i) An Order once placed for purchase of a product listed on our web site can not be cancelled.
(ii) Money once paid for purchase of a product listed on our web site will not be refunded
(iii) Products once sold on our web site are not returnable, refundable, or replaceable.

Appointment Bookings:

You acknowledge and agree to the following:

(i) The one time registration fee of Rs. 100/- and one time consultation fee of Rs 1000/-  which you are required to pay at the time of booking an online appointment on the port of is non refundable
(ii) Once an appointment is booked, it cannot be cancelled. The appointment can only be  rescheduled once.